Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Hay hay hay!

We were early for our appointment in Hanston this afternoon, so we
saw some hay bales and thought we'd take our picture. Don't ask how
I got up there...it wasn't pretty.
I was so afraid that thing was going to roll right across the road
with us on it! See how I've got my arm around Ron's neck? Yeah,
that's nothing short of the Vulcan death grip!


  1. This is dedicated to all my children, in memory of all those road trips where I pointed out the window and said "HAY!!!!!!!"

  2. Dad, you'll get a kick out of this: We were driving by Thanksgiving Point over the weekend and they still have their big hay bales sitting on the side of the road from the fall. Ben points out the window and yells, "Hay!" And it was all in honor of you! :)


Give me some shuga!